Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo Update... of sorts

I'm a size 14 now.

That's a total of 10 dress sizes lost so far!  

19 lbs to go.

I weigh in on Friday.


 Oh, my weird face stems from my awkwardness... I've never shown this much leg as an adult woman before.  Ever.  In my life.


  1. So I was bored with the topic on Oprah XM, and switched to another channel, and just randomly heard you on the radio.

    You are adorable! Congrats on your incredible transformation.

  2. Congrats Mychal!! I am kind of in the same boat. I started my weight loss journey on May 10th 2011, and have lost 71 pounds. I know how hard it can be and how you can still see the "old you" when you look in the mirror! I have gotten to my goal weight, but would like to lose about 5 more lbs. I recently bought my first size 6 jeans!! I was listening to you on the radio today, and I could relate to a lot of what you were saying. You look AMAZING!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I'd like to lose about 19 more. I don't think I'll ever be a size 6 (thanks genetics, bah!) but I'd be more than happy at a size 12. You're fabulous dah'ling! I'm so grateful for your encouragment!

  3. I heard your story on XM today and had to stop by your blog. Congrats on the weight loss so far. Keep up the good work and feeling comfortable in your own skin is going to make you even more outgoing. Men love to see a woman that is comfortable in her own skin.

    I started out on my weight loss journey when I decided to get some "sexy" photos done for my husband on our 10 year anniversary. He loved them and it took my confidence to a whole new level.

    Keep doing your thing!

    1. Thank you so much! I love pictures now! Aren't they great! I'm no longer afraid of/allergic to cameras anymore.

  4. Loving that little striped dress! Too cute, and you look AMAZING!!!!!

    1. Well thanks my dah'ling! You're making me blush! Hahaha

      But seriously, thank you! That means a lot coming from a TOTAL babe like you. Dang Gina! You're gorgeous!
