Do you know what I love about the holiday season? Well Christmas, duh...
But more than that, I find the start of the New Year completely invigorating.
Could you as for a better slate cleaner and time keeper? I don't think so. Not only that, but coming off of the holiday season allows for a completely energized and go-get-em attitude when we tackle a new calendar year.
So in the spirit of this fresh start I hereby list my additional life goals. (I would call them resolutions, but resolutions have a finality, an ending. I'm still in the habit of making positive long-term life changes; so goals work better for me.)
1. Get back on the nutrition/healthy eating horse.
Unfortunately, I've fallen off the calorie counting, careful eating, healthy food bandwagon the past few weeks. I'm ashamed. And I'm physically feeling the ramifications of my lax dietary guidelines as of late.
2. Kick ass and take names. AKA workout and get lean and fit.
I have a 25lb weight loss goal by the summer. I'm hell bent, and damned determined to accomplish it. I haven't gotten this close to fail now.
3. Allow myself to be more vulnerable.
I like to bitch and moan about how lack luster my social and love life can be. I'm adult enough to admit that a lot of it is my fault. I am overly protective of my heart and emotions, and I'm incredibly independent and do not like to ask people, or let people, help or love me. I have a goal to be more open, more believing, and more adventurous in the social realm. Things worth having and experiencing don't come without a price. And you can't know love or joy if you don't experience heartbreak and sorrow.
4. Write more.
I need to blog more. I'm sure my followers don't miss me much, but I miss writing. I also want to work more on my novel. I forget what an incredible outlet writing can before my psyche.
5. Love my being.
I am making a conscious effort this year to not look in the mirror and say negative things about my body, my appearance, or my face. I want to be proud and love my entire being: soul, body, heart, and mind, for the remarkable, incredible, and wonderful blessing that it is.
These are my goals. These are my hopes and aspirations for this new year. In addition to all the other goals that I'm consistently working on.
Lastly, I WILL update the blog. I promise you that.
Goals will be updated, photos... All of it.
We are starting fresh people. And I couldn't be more thrilled.
Feel free to email or comment with your new goals for the year ALONG with any topics you'd like me to write about, routines or recipes you'd like me to try, or questions you may have.
I love and adore you all! I'll write again soon.
Until then, I leave you with some thoughts to remind you of how wonderful you truly are AND of how deserving you are - even though you may not know or acknowledge it.
Much love,
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