Friday, July 22, 2011

Tips and a Proposition


Here is another post just for you!

I'm glad you like my blog.  It's cool to think that someone other than my friends and family is following my life changing journey!

I know you had a requested a few recipes from my mom and I... which I would be happy to share with you if we had any.  Hahaha

I do have a few tips and a proposition for you though:


1.  It sounds cliche... but I keep a food journal.  IT WORKS!  I'm much more accountable for everything I put in my body now.  That's where I would start.  My mom and I look at each other's everyday so we both make sure we've been good at and between meals.

2.  Keep everything low fat!  Lean meats and low fat products will greatly expand a low calorie diet.

3.  Small portions... or weigh your food.  I have a food scale and I weigh my protein, fruits, and veggies.  This helps keep your portions the right size and also helps you be accountable for what you're eating!

4.  Don't be afraid to season things!  My mom is a spice fanatic.  She uses a variety of spices to make various proteins and veggies taste OUT OF THIS WORLD.  Some staple spices that we recommend are: cumin, curry, garlic, onion, basil, oregano, and salt (I love salt).  Feel free to try anything though!

5. Be careful of carbs!  I usally eat 1 piece of Melba toast or 3 Melba Toast Snacks at lunch and dinner.  If it's any other type of carb, make sure it's healthy and is the appropriate serving size.  Be wary of sugar.  I use and artifical sweeteners.  Most doctors recommend Stevia (great on fresh fruit!).

6.  Snacks: On my diet snacks are discouraged.  However there are several vegetables that are "free" to eat at any time.  Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, red onion, and celery are a great snack in between meals.  Sugar free, low fat jello is also an appropriate snack, or it can be eaten as a dessert with your meal (I like to mix it with my fruit)!

When I read your comment to my mom, she had a great idea!  She said that if you would like to send her one of your favorite recipes she'd be more than happy to look it over and make a few alterations that would make it lower fat/calorie, but still delicious!

Yeah... she's the shiz.  I'm super lucky.

So if you want to leave a recipe or two in a comment or email it to she'll alter them and I can email it back to you or post it here on the blog!

Hope this helped!

1 comment:

    I'm so excited. Food. Recipes. Not sure I have actual recipes because I don't cook much, but I love mac-n-cheese and sweet stuff. Fave is choc chip cookies so I'm always looking for an alternative to that. I'm heading to work so I'll look for more specific things later. So nice of your Mom. She is the shiznit.

    The tips you gave are great. Thank you. What I find helpful is that I've heard most of these things before (like keeping a food journal) and thought, "yeah, right, who has the time to do THAT!" But, you're doing it and it's working. Do you tally the calories next to item as you move through the day? Do you get into the deets with the quantity, one cup, weight of fruits, etc? SEASONING: This is where I need help. I'm okay with the lean proteins, but how the heck do I make it appealing? A plain chicken breast is an ugly sight. CARBS: I ALMOST stopped reading here. Carbs are my BFF. Were you a carb lover before you switched to its nasty cousin Melba? I'm curious because if you can make a switch from warm soft wheat or sourdough to Melba, then I shall try too.
    Sorry - L O N G comment. Thank you so much for the post. I really really appreciate it! AG
