Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time for...

Followers, it's time for... A Poll!!!

This blog has never had a poll before!  This is life changing.  *wink wink

Who's excited?  Me (and hopefully you).

Why?  My old glasses broke!

Why is that exciting?  Because now I get new ones!

What does that have to do with me?  I need your help to pick out the best pair/style!

I'm trusting you guys.

Below are pictures, located on the side of the blog is the poll.  Please choose the pair you think fits my personality, style, and features.

Or... just choose the pair you like the best!

Thanks dolls!

Choice #1

 Choice #2

Choice #3

Choice #4

Choice #5

Choice #6

These are not listed in preferential order...


1 comment:

  1. I chose # 3 because I think they will look really good with your face :-) I was only thinking of you doll.
