My first "Really!?" statement pertains to the fact that today was weigh-in day. Drum roll please... I've lost 3 lbs since last Wednesday. That's a grand total of 72 lbs! I'm 3 lbs away from my birthday weight loss goal. I'm so happy its ridiculous.
My next "Really!?" statement is directed at Facebook and my Facebook "friends" & or "followers." I recently posted the link to my blog post Soap Box on Facebook, like I do with every blog post I write. When I woke up this morning... the link had disappeared. Looks like I managed to offend someone enough that they flagged it and it was removed. I was shocked at first, then angry, then disappointed, and now I just laugh. In all actuality, I'm really quite proud of my post and I'm really proud it touched someone so profoundly that they couldn't take it. I must have struck a nerve. Maybe it was my strong language, maybe it was my colorful attacks on each gender, mayhaps it was the attack on my own religious community, or perhaps it was just my overall opinion that someone found so offensive. Regardless I hold to the fact that I believe in what I said. I am okay with the fact that what I said hurt someone. You know what? The truth hurts. Telling the truth & hearing the truth isn't always comfortable. I don't regret what I said, nor do I apologize for it. It is what it is.
My final "Really!?" moment happened after my workout this morning. So, I found my old "skinny" jeans today. And I tried them on. After I tried them on, I shuffled through some old pictures on Facebook. Care to view a few?
A few months ago, I never would have posted these (and now they're accessible on Facebook! Man have I changed!) But I've realized, the past is the past. These are great identifiers of my progress & great motivators to keep me from EVER going back there.
This was me at my best friend Chrystal Hayes wedding. I won't lie about the fact that these pictures make me shudder.
HOLY SHIZ BALLS. I was enormous. It really helped cement my new body in my minds eye. I really am fit now. I really am physically attractive now. I still have some work to do, but I've come A LONG way.
I can honestly, genuinely say... I'm happy now. Happier & healthier than I've been since I was a kid. This has been the most fulfilling, life changing, and perspective altering experience in my life. I love my new lifestyle and it has provided me a new life. The life I've always wanted and deserved.
I'm 72 lbs lighter and 72 thousand times happier.
Being happy has helped me really see that life is beautiful and people are beautiful.
Love you all, more than you can fathom. I wouldn't have had such success without my amazing network of support.
Much love my dah'lings!
~ Mychal
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