This is my blog after all. Just sayin.
I feel the need to vocalize my feelings regarding certain social & cultural practices in my religious community while also addressing disturbing societal practices of a similar nature. I suppose I need to do it for my emotional & mental well being.
First of all, I want to address the men of the world. I know a large percentage of you don't follow my blog, nor do you give a flying rat's ass what I think about your gender; but humor me...
Take some brilliant advice from one of your own. I've no idea who made this but I applaud him for doing so...
Dear Men of the World: MTFU.
Please, for the love of God: Man The F*ck Up.
I grow increasingly weary of listening to my fellow Females of the World do nothing but bitch about how y'all do nothing. PLEASE SHUT THEM UP. The incessant immaturity, lack of motivation, relentless need to be "taken care of", and crafty manipulation tactics MUST STOP. What happened to men taking pride in themselves, in their talents, in their jobs, in their ability to be "suave." Why do you all refuse to woo women? You all have a backbone, or at least I'm assuming you do, please attach it to your nuts. Grow up. Man up. Find a woman, sweep her off her feet. Take care of her. And she will in turn take care of you.
I know what you're thinking... you have no idea what you're talking about Mychal. I'm sure you feel a great need to bitch and moan to me about how I'm wrong, about how women use you, hurt you, how one may have ruined your life. STFU (Shut The F*ck Up). You know what your problem is? You're picking the wrong girls. Want to fix your problem? Stop picking the wrong girls! Or perhaps it would be more appropriate for me to say this: stop allowing royal bitches to pick you! I hate to break it to you, but big breasted, tiny waisted, super models are not the norm. Oh come to think of it... they're not even REAL. That being said, odds are... you're not going to get one, ever. Stop passing over what you deem to be "average" women. I guaran-damn-tee that there is nothing average about them. Every woman you pass by, every "she's just a friend" or "she's not really my type" you neglect is an incredible woman & an even more incredible opportunity that you're missing out on.
Maybe you're on the other side, thinking you're not good enough for anyone. STOP BEING A PUSSY. Pardon my bluntness. You don't think you're good enough? Go for it anyway. Go for her & work harder to earn her. Women's innate most desire, is to be desired. To be pursued. To be WANTED. Everyone, men & women alike are afraid of rejection. But you've got to remember, things of value don't come without a price. Be willing to pay the price for love. It won't happen in a day, a month, or maybe not even in a year; but it will happen. Grow a pair... and make it happen.
You're turn girls...
Dear Women of The World (especially those in my religious community):
You'll are sluts! I get so tired of women who complaining about how men won't pursue us anymore. You wonder why men won't date you? It's because we're all giving it away. I can say this because I've made the same mistakes and I've fallen into the same traps that I'm about to call you out on. Ready?
Answer these questions to yourself honestly:
Have or do you make men food (meals & or treats)? Have, do or would you cuddle with them? Have, do or would you make out with them (I'm talking non commital here)? Have you or do you do these things without being in or having any real potential for a relationship? Do you do these things to encourage/convince them that you're a catch, that they should want you?
News flash dolls, men aren't falling for it. They're crafty little buggers and they've figured it out. Now they're using you. But really, what do you expect them to do? You are giving them all sorts of perks without having to EARN it. Men should have to earn your affection. I have an idea; maybe you should make a guy kiss you because he likes you, not kiss him to make him like you. I mean don't get me wrong, a little enticing never hurt anyone.
We women need to learn how to entice, how to tease, how to tantalize. I don't mean whore it up. Be classy. Having standards and playing hard to get (within reason) is sexy. You want a man to work to earn you? Give him a little taste and then make him EARN the rest. Men will work to earn your love and affection, but not if you're giving it away! Believe that you have WORTH. You ARE a prize! You're beautiful. You're strong. You're intelligent. Men are lazy and dumb because we're allowing them to be! A worthwhile guy won't be a dead beat. But men won't be worthwhile until we STOP letting them think that they can get away with being a loser.
Stop giving up on your dreams & your expectations. You deserve to be happy. And remember to give every guy a chance! You want guys to give you a chance? Well it works both ways sweetie. Besides a model, a football player, or a brain surgeon might not be the right guy to make you happy. A hard working "average" guy (who really isn't average at all... more like exceptional) will make you happy beyond your comprehension.
If you don't believe me then you have some serious self evaluation that needs to take place. Don't get me wrong, I still have my days of emotional fragility, loneliness, and overwhelming hopelessness. But more often than not, I believe that I'm beautiful. I believe that I have worth. I know what I deserve. I wear makeup, I watch what I eat, I work out, I fix my hair, and I wear skanky-ass shoes because it makes me feel beautiful. And me feeling beautiful is what translates into confidence. Confidence is what enables me & others seeing my internal and external beauty. So, here's my thoughts; you don't like you? Change it. You want men to view you differently? Make them. Making changes, finding your confidence, and knowing that you DO deserve to be happy will help you believe that a man's opportunity to be with you is the ultimate prize in life.
Still don't believe me? Think about this; Women are the bearers of culture.
How you carry yourself, how you allow yourself to be treated, how you view the world is how your future daughter will do the same. The type of man you choose to have a family with & your interaction with him will influence how your future sons will view women. Does that change your perspective a little?
I think a lot of people, a large percentage of humanity, has a great fear of living & dying alone. But you know what... I'd rather be alone than make a rash decision and/or selfish choice in my choice of intimate companionship. There are eternal ramifications to settling for less than we deserve.
I hold to my belief that all people are beautiful. All people have boundless potential. Love is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Change is possible. Life is about progression and growth. Life is about where you end up, not where you've been.
No one gets to live your life but you. Why aren't you living it?
SFD. So F*ck Destiny.
Go out there and MAKE YOUR OWN.
Much love my dah'lings!
~ Mychal
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