Thursday, February 2, 2012


Words cannot describe the past 24 hours of my life.

A few weeks ago I was driving to Utah for a job interview.  On the drive to and from, I became an avid Cosmo Radio fan.  I'm especially partial to the Cocktails with Patrick show.

On one show in particular they had an extensive conversation about a guy named Taylor.  At first, I thought his story was a total fluke.  Go on air, talk about how you never want to get married.  Go home.  Boom, girlfriend.  But the more I listened to Patrick talk, the more I really saw the validity in his insight.  And thus, the seed of curiosity was planted.

On a whim I wrote an email to the Cocktails with Patrick show.

It went a little something like this:


I was listening to you a few days ago talk to & about Taylor.  The whole situation made me laugh.  Then, the more I listened, the more I began to see the validity in your insight.  So, I'm going to go out on a limb and see if you have ANY helpful advice for a soon-to-be 23 year old noob to the dating scene.  First of all, I'm a noob to the dating scene because last year I was... a fat-ass.  I've worked hard and lost 76 lbs since May.  Now that I'm quasi attractive, much more confident, and somewhat witty I thought it'd be fun to delve into the world of men; alas I'm really quite terrible at the whole thing.  I've nary a clue what I'm doing.


Any insight, advice, or tips are appreciated.


I've written to places, companies, and people before.  I've never received replies, I've never been listened to, I've never been... cared about?  I expected no less from Patrick's show; yet to my astonishment, the next day I received an email from Lea, the other host of the show.  She informed me that they wanted to interview me... on their show.  Say whaaa???  I was shocked  and giddy with anticipation.  Someone actually wants to help me with dating!?  Praise Jesus.

So, I was interviewed.  It was amazing.  I can't describe how incredibly kind Patrick & Lea were.  How much I valued their insight, their encouragement, and their advice.

And their listeners... their listeners are phenomenal!  Absolutely, totally, and completely incredible.

I'd like to consider myself a rather eloquent person, but the remarkable amount of support that has been pouring in via Twitter, my blog, and my blog's Facebook Page is inspiring, uplifting, and is leaps and bounds beyond what I could ever deserve and is thus leaving me speechless.

Cosmo Radio Blogspot wrote an lovely bit about me that moved me to tears.  Countless individuals who have tweeted me encouragement and salutations have also moved me to tears.  How is it that strangers can care so much about me?

The more I've been able to ponder the events of the past few hours the more I've come to realize that for some strange reason, the outpouring of encouragement from these complete strangers has touched me in a way I never imagined it could have.  While I love, respect, and am most grateful for a supportive network of family & friends, the outside and unbiased view points of the Cocktails with Patrick and Cosmo Radio community has truly helped me take a gigantic leap forward in believing in myself and seeing the beauty I possess in a physical and nonphysical sense.

I'm going to live.  I'm going to have fun.  I'm going to be confident.  There is no need to hide behind a veil of insecurity anymore.  That was part of the old Mychal.  The Mychal I never want to be again.  There isn't any weight to hide behind anymore.  Life was meant to be lived.  I was meant to be this person.  I may be loud, obnoxious, and inappropriate; but I'm happy.  And I want every single person to feel as happy as I do.  Being dismal, being bleak, being desolate... it's a burden!  And it's a weight that we were not meant to bear.

I truly hope that I can be the vibrant, fun, beautiful, and uplifting person that people see me as; more than that, I hope I can help others be the person they want to be.

If you want people to look at you differently... if you want you to look at yourself differently; make them.  Make it happen.  Stop waiting for life to happen, make life happen.

I've added a few more affirmations & mantras to my daily life perspective goals:

(Dear Patrick, Lea, & everyone who has sent kind thoughts in my direction... You've made a difference in my life.  Thank you.)

I hope that I'm evolving into the type of person that can make others happy, or at least smile; no matter how awful their day has been; no matter how tough their life is; no matter how much their heart hurts.

We choose how we react to situations.  We choose how we live our lives.  We choose to be happy.  We choose to love life.  We choose to make it amazing.  

I look forward to utilizing the comments, the advice, the encouragement, and the enlightenment I've received the past few hours.  I'm excited to continue to share my progress with you.  I might not know you individually, personally, or even in a cyber sense; but I love you.  I appreciate you.  My life is infinitely better because you exist.  True story.

I hope that I can be as much a strength, support, and motivational force for good as you all are to me.

Much love my dah'lings.

More than you can fathom.



  1. Go forth and flourish! And welcome to the Fake Life Family :)

    1. Thrilled to be a part of the Fake Life Family! Love you dah'ling! You're positively wonderful!

  2. I hardly ever get to listen to Cocks With P but was home today and heard your story. What an amazing story you had to share! As a former fat kid and now a happy, secure, empowered woman, I have to tell you it takes years to become truly happy in yourself and to forget the fat girl in the mirror. But it DOES happen. I am living proof and I am happy, married to an amazing man, and no longer think about food as an enemy but as something to be enjoyed. There are great guys out there and you'll find them in the oddest places. Good luck on your journey and welcome to the FLF!

    1. Thank you. Thank you SO much. I love feeling healthy and happy. That's been the best part. I'm not struggling with the mirror as much as I used to, but I still struggle. It's nice to know that it'll get better. It's nice to have people who understand what I'm feeling. You're wonderful and I'm so glad you messaged me. It means more than you could ever realize.

  3. Wow my weekend trip from New York to Canada is usually so dull. Not tonight, listening to that hour of Coks With P was inspiring and moving. You seem like such a wonderful talented and most of all beautiful human being inside and out! keep going and many will one day benefit from you!!

    1. Thank you so much! That means a lot. I'm truly touched when people say such kind things. I don't know how you could possibly think such kind thoughts about a stranger, but I appreciate it more than you could ever know. :)

  4. My life is also infinitely better because you exist! Much love to you.

    1. Awww shucks! You're so sweet! Much love reciprocated my dear!

  5. Mychal! I am so glad that you had an opportunity to read my post on the Cosmo Happy Hour blog. I meant every word... I was so inspired by you and your transformation. You look fantastic!

    I love reading your blog posts... you are a great writer! And I love the part where you say you are loud, obnoxious and inappropriate... because that is totally me, in a nutshell. :)

    i went home and started gushing to my husband about the great thing I heard on CWP. He checked out your blog too and said that you look great.

    Patrick talks to many people each day, but there are only a few that I feel completely drawn to because of their story, their personality, their commitment to themselves. You fascinate me and inspire me to do better for myself as well.

    As HugKiss (Jessica) said above... welcome to the Fake Life Fam. It's a great group of peeps... one that I think is worth spending the time to get to know. It's ridiculous how supportive and great they can be for people you may only "know" via Twitter, Facebook and/or email. If you get the opportunity to go to CosmoCon, you really should. I haven't been able to go, but the girls & guys have made some life-long friends and wonderful memories from what I have heard. You have found a very unique and special group.

    Keep on keepin' on... Kelly (@cosmohappyhour, Kelly Maddern on Facebook - I'll look you up! :)

    1. Girl! You're fabulous. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Words don't do justice to the overwhelming feelings I've had since the Cocktails With Patrick experience. All the love and support is incredible. I can't express my gratitude enough! I'm saving my pennies to come to CosmoCon. I MUST meet and hug all my the members of my new "family"! You're wonderful. I love you!

  6. Here's the show if people missed it:

    The wife read this post this morning after missing yesterday's show. What came out of your persistence was incredible. Keep on keeping on.

  7. Thank you so much for posting the link and for your kind words! You and your wife are super!
