Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm Back

I'm back dah-lings!

I know it's been quite a few days since my last post.  I haven't felt much of a desire to post anything because I've been down in the dumps.  I hate when that happens.  It took me awhile to pull myself out of it, but I did.  

So what to talk about... hmmm...

I've been exercising 5-6 times a week for an hour.  I also lift weights and work on my abs every other day.  I haven't noticed a huge difference yet.  I know the weight loss is slowing down dramatically and it's taken a pretty severe tool on me emotionally.  It wouldn't be so bad if my weight didn't fluctuate so much.  I haven't measured in over a week because the last time I weighed in (I weighed in on a Wednesday & a Thursday) my weight fluctuated 3 lbs.  Yeah... it's only three lbs, but it punched me in the stomach. 

I've been working really hard to stay on track, which means stay between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercise regularly.  I've splurged a few times, but afterwards the guilt always propels me to exercise much more rigorously.

Side note:
I've finally got all of my Reebok Zigs.  Want to see a picture of them!?  Ok ok ... here you go.

ME LIKE!  They're bold, eccentric, jubilant, garish, and outlandish.  Much like me!  hahahaha

Confession Time
I have to admit something.  I'm pretty disappointed... and I'm disappointed in myself.

I know I'm working on me, for me.  I want to like who I am.  I want to love how I look.  


I won't lie about the fact that I thought guys might start to be more interested in me.  The fact that they're not... SUCKS.

I try to convince myself that it's ok.  That they don't know what they are missing out on.  I don't need a guy to be happy.  Someday, when I look the way I want, they will all want me and none will get me... blah blah blah.

I mostly just want to get over the disappointment.  I think every girl has a pipe dream where some amazing guy is attracted to who they are and not how they look.  I'm no exception, I wanted a guy to want me, right now, because I can make him laugh, I'm loyal, I'm intelligent, I'm kinda-sorta-talented.  And then in 9 months or a year, I'd be the girl he deserves.  The girl people would stare at and go "WOW, he's lucky."  And he would feel lucky because he knew I worked hard to become that person.  And I would know that he wanted the REAL me and that the physically fit me was a PHAT bonus.

Yeah... I know that's LAME.  But it was my pipe dream.

Oh well, life happens and we roll with it!

Until next time dolls!



  1. Yea, ain't that the kicker. BOYS. Why do we want them so much? They just leave toilet seats up, fart, and burp too much. What's the point? LOL. There ARE guys who are more interested in a long-term relationship with someone who is kind, considerate, funny, respectful, etc. You sound like that kind of person. Just be yourself and do what's important to you FOR YOU.

    Side note: I know I haven't sent recipes because McDonalds and KFC and TacoHell won't release them to me. ;) Any chance you can take pics of your food and include the spices and magical dust your mom uses on them? hint-hint

    Keep up the great work. I mean, really? 5-6 days a week and an HOUR of cardio each time. You rock!

  2. ...oh, and I'll take the orange and white kicks off your hands. Nice!

  3. Love all the shoes!!! Now I need to get another pair haha. I'm thinking maybe yellow?! Love you girlie. I'm glad you are back and ready to roll! Keep it up.
