Monday, August 1, 2011


Hello followers!  Have you missed me?  I sure missed you!

In case you were unaware, I spent the weekend up in the mountains at my family's cabin.  It was beautiful, serene, calm, and completely void of internet and cell phone service.

Needless to say, vacations make it super duper hard to stay on track.  I slipped up... on more than one occasion.  There was much weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth after I was naughty.  My mom pointed out some valid points to help me make peace with/and not hate myself.

1. I've been on a hardcore diet for 8 weeks.  I haven't been exposed to such a large volume of naughty food and my cravings were exacerbated by the fact; I didn't have a hunger suppressant and some family members made and offered me naughty camping trip food delights (when they knew I was on a diet).

2. It was a vacation!  It was two days... and I stuck to my three bite rule.  Although... it was three bites of multiple things...

3. EVERYONE slips at some point.  The key is to whip myself back into shape... pronto.

4. I was good for a majority of time on my trip!  I had protein rich, low calorie yogurt for breakfast, lean turkey, lots of veggies, and the most delicious foil dinner I have ever had in my life.  Chicken and veggies that stewed in their own juices and melded with a delectable combination of spices... YUM.  And HEALTHY.

I'm glad I'm home, back in the exercise routine, and the healthy eating habits.  I know that I'm not screwed... but I'm super worried about Wednesday Weigh-in.  I can't shake the feeling that I'm a ginormous cow.  Some intense workouts and a severe attitude regarding my diet for a few weeks will help get me back in the shape my brain visualizes that I need to be.

Sorry I let ya'll down.  I'll make it up to you over the next few weeks.  Scouts honor.

Until Wednesday dolls.

Love ya!


  1. Hi there- You have NOT let me down. It's actually nice to read that you're human. Hey-go figure. Sh*t happens sometimes. As you said in a previous blog post that you are making a lifestyle change. This is life. There are times when a ginormous piece of chocolate cake may stare you down like a Russian interrogator. Eat it and move on. That sounds like what you've done so don't be so hard on yourself. May I remind you of the 34 pounds you've lost? Hellooo you're still rocking' this lifestyle change! I don't even know you and am proud of you. I'm glad I found your blog. You continue to be an inspiration. Thank you.

  2. You are beautiful, and I have always thought that. I think you are even more beautiful and such an inspiration doing this. Don't beat yourself up!
