Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I weighed in today.  Week two... 5 more lbs!  That's a total of 15 lbs in 2 weeks!  CRAZY.

I'm actually starting to notice a difference.  This is AWESOME.  I'm happier then I've been in a LONG time.

I can't express in words how excited I am.  Nor can I express my appreciation for my family, friends, and followers who encourage and support me in my new lifestyle.  You are all amazing and I couldn't have done it without you!

Onto week 3 and a whole new me!


  1. SOOOO PROUD OF YOU! I'm so excited that you are happier and feeling great! You are amazing Mychal! Keep up the hard work.

  2. Congratulations!! That is awesome!! I miss you, and the time we spent working in our lovely assignments(not the assignments themselves)!!! p.s. your puppy is so so so cute!!

  3. So I've been a slacker and haven't read your posts every day but 15 LBS!!? That's so awesome. I don't really care about the number I'm just so proud that you've stuck with it and that it's making you happier. I seriously look up to you so much and am glad I can be a part of seeing your change even if its over blogging and not in person. Love you and miss you lots!

    p.s. I'm coming to ID this weekend and I want to see the new you! :)

  4. Lindsey - Thank you! :) I think you'll find my most previous post particularly interesting... I would find your opinion especially influential. :D LOVE YOU GUYS!

    Megan - Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you commented! I seriously sat down and went through our Saltair slideshow just for kicks the other day! Bahahahahaha! I'm glad school is over but I miss seeing you and Sarah. You guys always made class so fun.

    Kristin - It's ok to be a slacker. I haven't been posting like I should. Thanks for the support. I'm going to be out of town on the weekend branding cows but we might be able to work something out on the transit. There isn't a huge difference right now so don't be too excited. hahaha
