Tuesday, June 7, 2011


As in the 6 a.m. kind.


I'm really digging on the tranquility of the mornings.  They help me find my Zen for the day.  I'm serious.  I love the mornings.  They are so clean, so fresh, and so vibrant.  They promise a day filled with opportunity while emanating calmness and serenity.  

So now that I have spouted out my warm fuzzy feelings about morning time, I suppose I should write something of value.

So to start I think I'll comment on a few goals.  That's the whole point of this blog anyway.  I shall begin with goal #7.  Goal #7 is ROCKING my world right now because Effy is here!!!

Is she not adorable!?  I love my little dust mop.  She's such a cutie.  She does this adorable thing where she rolls around onto her back for you to rub her tummy.  I'm talking completely spreadeagle on the floor, she's such a goof. We've been working on potty training (which is really hard) which is why I've learned to appreciate the mornings again (since she wakes me up to go every morning at 5:30 a.m.) so it's been a beneficial relationship thus far.  She's also learning to sit.  Not bad for having her for less than a week.

Goal #1 is slowly being worked on.  I stayed for the whole 3 hour church block on Sunday.  Go me!  I didn't go to FHE on Monday though.  I was planning on it but dinner was late and I was watching American Chopper (Go Paul Jr.!).  I'm planning on going to institute again this week.

Hmmm... goals #3 & #4 were accomplished at church on Sunday.  I'll just say... I'm hysterical and made quite a few people giggle.  Attending church and Institute are helping with the whole getting to know God thing again (goal #6) too.  Next to losing weight, finding my faith is proving to be one of the more difficult goals on my list.  Well, perhaps I should restate that, I have faith in God and Jesus Christ.  While I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I am ashamed of being a member of the LDS church.  *GASP* "OM GOSH, did she really just say that!?"  Yeah, I did.  Because to be frank, my church isn't particularly tolerant, kind, or Christian.  And it isn't the church as much as it is the people.  So I'm trying to reconcile that right now... which is proving difficult.  But I'm trying!  So don't fret for my soul to much.

Lastly,  I want to make a brief statement about goal #1.  I'm trying something new for the next month and a half.  It's kind of a surprise.  It's going to be intense.  So watch for the pounds lost gadget to see some updates here pretty quickly.  Wish me luck!  


  1. i totally agree with you! morning is so quiet and peaceful! it allows me to get so much more done!

    i'm very impressed with your goals, progress, and honesty. best of luck! can't wait for you next post!

  2. You and Effy should move here. Jakey and Teddy will teach her everything! haha. They would be so cute all together. Staying for all 3 hours is quite an accomplishment! I'm proud of you and you got me thinking that I need to have a better attitude about staying so thanks Mychal.

    You are a very funny person and I know we've shared so many laughs together. Honestly, everytime I think about us in class together, I get a smile on my face. So glad we both had the courage to talk to each other and "start" our friendship.

    You are doing awesome on all your goals. I still need to think of some myself! You are a special person Mychal. I wish I wasn't so far away so we could hang out more. Someday right? There's a goal for us :-)
