I was REALLY nervous about weighing in at home today. We made the transition from 500 calories and doctor supervision to 1200-1500 calories with self supervision and exercise. I've been at it a week.
I've decided to continue to weigh in on Wednesday... so I weighed in this morning.
I'm down another 2 pounds! I am so relieved! So I'm at a total of 34 lbs of weight loss in 7 weeks. I'm feeling really confident that I"ll reach my 40 lb goal by the end of the summer. If I keep working hard, 90 lbs by next summer should be a doable goal.
Fun Fact
Being able to have a much more rigorous exercise regimen has been amazing. I feel more fulfilled, energized, confident, and relaxed pushing my body to its new limits. I've found a whole new wave of energy and I'm gaining more with each pound I lose.
Life is good.
Thanks for your continued support!
I couldn't do it without you guys.
Much love,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Today we're going to tackle a few questions and comments from followers. Gah! I love doing this. You guys make blogging so much more fun! It's hard to think up stuff myself...
Were you a carb lover?
To which I reply... what do you mean was!?
HELL YES I LOVE CARBS. I miss them like crazy. The Bible says man can't live on bread alone; but I sure tried. Carbs and I have a long history. Bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, cookies... coat it all in chocolate and I still can't get enough. The hardest part with my diet has been the severe reduction of carbs. Carbs and I can never have the relationship we used to have... the relationship I want to have.
Part of becoming the person I want to be meant a serious physical overhaul. The biggest sacrifice I had to make was carbs.
I don't know when my brain made the switch from "I want to feel good, so I'll eat food" to "I want to look good, eat different food and exercise more!" But it happened, and when that moment happened I started my diet.
I think people need to be careful when they use the word "diet", and I think I need to apologize for using that noun so extensively. I am dieting yes... but I think a more correct observation/statement would be this, "I'm making lifestyle changes."
People don't get to diet for 6 months, lose 40 or 50 pounds and then go back to their old lifestyle without packing back on the pounds. Diets work because it's supposed to be for life. Diets are supposed to teach us portion size, healthy types of food, in conjunction with physical fitness.
Yeah, that just sounds yucky doesn't it!? I know that I've never had a pleasant image of dieting. I wanted to exercise and eat whatever the hell I wanted, and I still wanted the weight to come off. Yeah... doesn't work like that. Changing my diet and my over all lifestyle wasn't something I wanted or was comfortable doing and I'd assume that most people feel the same way.
I mean... who wants to go from warm homemade biscuits with fresh cut strawberries in the morning , a yummy turkey sandwich with whole grain bread at lunch, a stuffed pork chop with homemade rolls and mashed potatoes for dinner, and a warm chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream for dessert to plain yogurt with berries, a green salad, and some steamed veggies with a chicken breast for dinner.
BREATHE! I'm over exaggerating. But that is what it feels like right!?
I know it sounds awful, horrible, and terrible. But it is SO worth it!
I know that nobody is perfect, I've messed up once or twice on my diet. I'm a woman. I get it. Sometimes, every 4 weeks or so... you need a piece of chocolate, and you need it before you kill someone. If you have to have it... make it 3 chocolate chips, and eat them one at a time... VERY slowly.
Opinion: Do not cheat. When you start a low/no carb diet... get anything tempting AWAY from you. Or make sure you have the strength to stay on track. You've got to break the love connection with those deliciously naughty foods. You need a few weeks to really make a clean break.
Tip: Once you've broken ties with carbs and naughty food, then and only then, if you're out on a date and the guy buys you dessert... remember the three bite rule. Three small bites is all you can allow yourself! Pace yourself. Savor each bite. And let the guy do most of the damage to the chocaholic-betterthansex dessert sitting on the table in front of you.
I'll admit, the only thing that has come close to easing the pain of my lost carbs (beyond the elation of losing over 30 lbs) is the sense of confidence I get after I say no to something naughty. When people around you see you being healthy... they're impressed. They notice you; and it feels GOOD. Vain I know, but oh so true.
I feel better too! And I don't know how or why... but my stomach doesn't miss naughty carbs anymore. My eyes and my brain do, but my stomach doesn't. I'm not as hungry as often, I've got more energy, and I'm losing weight because 8 weeks ago I made the decision that looking good would make me feel better than food ever could.
WOW. I'm not sure if that even made any sense... sorry Abby (p.s. send in your recipes and I'll get to your other questions).
Ok, next question:
What is your plan of action for facing disappointment along your journey, such as low weight loss numbers or hurtful comments from others?
An excellent question indeed. My initial response would be, some weight loss is better than no weight loss. A few weeks/entries ago I only lost 2 lbs and a dear friend made a valid point when cheering me up... - 2 lbs is better than 0 lbs! That really stuck with me, so I think I'll be happy with any type of loss. Now, were I to lose 0 lbs... I'd be sad, but it'd give me an increased desire to work harder and lose more weight over the next week. Heaven forbid I gain weight, because I'd be devastated beyond comprehension... I wouldn't quit. I'll never quit. I've lost over 30 lbs and I'll be damned if I'm not going to meet my mini-goal by my 23rd birthday. I've never wanted anything so bad in my life (not including Mike Rowe, Patrick Warburton, or Marcus Mumford).
I've been lucky enough to have a very supportive group of followers and while I've had some snide remarks made in my direction, the positive feedback and amazing support from my followers has helped those few hurtful things roll of my back. There is too much positive energy surrounding me to let any negative energy last long.
And I thank you friends, family members, & followers for creating an atmosphere were I feel safe and confident in expressing my thoughts, my success, and my failures with you.
Well, that wraps it up for today.
Further questions, comments, concerns, & ideas for posts are welcome! Check out the new "Contact Me" tab to get in touch with me.
Thanks dolls!
Were you a carb lover?
To which I reply... what do you mean was!?
HELL YES I LOVE CARBS. I miss them like crazy. The Bible says man can't live on bread alone; but I sure tried. Carbs and I have a long history. Bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, cookies... coat it all in chocolate and I still can't get enough. The hardest part with my diet has been the severe reduction of carbs. Carbs and I can never have the relationship we used to have... the relationship I want to have.
Part of becoming the person I want to be meant a serious physical overhaul. The biggest sacrifice I had to make was carbs.
I don't know when my brain made the switch from "I want to feel good, so I'll eat food" to "I want to look good, eat different food and exercise more!" But it happened, and when that moment happened I started my diet.
I think people need to be careful when they use the word "diet", and I think I need to apologize for using that noun so extensively. I am dieting yes... but I think a more correct observation/statement would be this, "I'm making lifestyle changes."
People don't get to diet for 6 months, lose 40 or 50 pounds and then go back to their old lifestyle without packing back on the pounds. Diets work because it's supposed to be for life. Diets are supposed to teach us portion size, healthy types of food, in conjunction with physical fitness.
Yeah, that just sounds yucky doesn't it!? I know that I've never had a pleasant image of dieting. I wanted to exercise and eat whatever the hell I wanted, and I still wanted the weight to come off. Yeah... doesn't work like that. Changing my diet and my over all lifestyle wasn't something I wanted or was comfortable doing and I'd assume that most people feel the same way.
I mean... who wants to go from warm homemade biscuits with fresh cut strawberries in the morning , a yummy turkey sandwich with whole grain bread at lunch, a stuffed pork chop with homemade rolls and mashed potatoes for dinner, and a warm chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream for dessert to plain yogurt with berries, a green salad, and some steamed veggies with a chicken breast for dinner.
BREATHE! I'm over exaggerating. But that is what it feels like right!?
I know it sounds awful, horrible, and terrible. But it is SO worth it!
I know that nobody is perfect, I've messed up once or twice on my diet. I'm a woman. I get it. Sometimes, every 4 weeks or so... you need a piece of chocolate, and you need it before you kill someone. If you have to have it... make it 3 chocolate chips, and eat them one at a time... VERY slowly.
Opinion: Do not cheat. When you start a low/no carb diet... get anything tempting AWAY from you. Or make sure you have the strength to stay on track. You've got to break the love connection with those deliciously naughty foods. You need a few weeks to really make a clean break.
Tip: Once you've broken ties with carbs and naughty food, then and only then, if you're out on a date and the guy buys you dessert... remember the three bite rule. Three small bites is all you can allow yourself! Pace yourself. Savor each bite. And let the guy do most of the damage to the chocaholic-betterthansex dessert sitting on the table in front of you.
I'll admit, the only thing that has come close to easing the pain of my lost carbs (beyond the elation of losing over 30 lbs) is the sense of confidence I get after I say no to something naughty. When people around you see you being healthy... they're impressed. They notice you; and it feels GOOD. Vain I know, but oh so true.
I feel better too! And I don't know how or why... but my stomach doesn't miss naughty carbs anymore. My eyes and my brain do, but my stomach doesn't. I'm not as hungry as often, I've got more energy, and I'm losing weight because 8 weeks ago I made the decision that looking good would make me feel better than food ever could.
WOW. I'm not sure if that even made any sense... sorry Abby (p.s. send in your recipes and I'll get to your other questions).
Ok, next question:
What is your plan of action for facing disappointment along your journey, such as low weight loss numbers or hurtful comments from others?
An excellent question indeed. My initial response would be, some weight loss is better than no weight loss. A few weeks/entries ago I only lost 2 lbs and a dear friend made a valid point when cheering me up... - 2 lbs is better than 0 lbs! That really stuck with me, so I think I'll be happy with any type of loss. Now, were I to lose 0 lbs... I'd be sad, but it'd give me an increased desire to work harder and lose more weight over the next week. Heaven forbid I gain weight, because I'd be devastated beyond comprehension... I wouldn't quit. I'll never quit. I've lost over 30 lbs and I'll be damned if I'm not going to meet my mini-goal by my 23rd birthday. I've never wanted anything so bad in my life (not including Mike Rowe, Patrick Warburton, or Marcus Mumford).
I've been lucky enough to have a very supportive group of followers and while I've had some snide remarks made in my direction, the positive feedback and amazing support from my followers has helped those few hurtful things roll of my back. There is too much positive energy surrounding me to let any negative energy last long.
And I thank you friends, family members, & followers for creating an atmosphere were I feel safe and confident in expressing my thoughts, my success, and my failures with you.
Well, that wraps it up for today.
Further questions, comments, concerns, & ideas for posts are welcome! Check out the new "Contact Me" tab to get in touch with me.
Thanks dolls!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm acknowledging and tying to make peace with the fact that I'm not going to be losing 4-5 lbs every week anymore. I'll only be losing 1-2, maybe 3 lbs if I'm LUCKY.
And that's okay... I think.
I know that I've been focused mainly on my weight loss goals... which I am succeeding at. I actually read through my first post and saw that my goal was to lose 40 lbs by the end of the summer... a goal which I am actually going to complete!
But I think I need to look at my other goals. This is a complete transformation. I'm changing everything inside and out.
2. Exercise & Lose weight. LOTS of it. - No need for a refresher on that one… that’s going well.
3. Laugh more - There has been significant progress on this goal. I’m finding humor in everything now. When I find humor that leads to…
4. Make others laugh more - This! I am really good at this. I make my mom, my grandma, my dad, and my friends laugh all the time. Shedding all this excess weight (physical and emotional) has helped me uncover my comedic side.
5. Serve others - Not doing much pubic/community service as of now. I’m trying to do lots of things around the house and I’m trying to be supportive of other people trying to change their life via blogs and twitter. It’s not much… but it’s better than nothing.
6. Get to know God again - I’m slowly beginning to believe/trust in God again. I try to have frequent conversations with Him. My eyes are slowly able to see Him in small moments of everyday. I understand on a fundamental level that He is helping me with my journey… much of my success has to be attributed to Him. He put amazing people in my life who have turned out to be incredible supporters. He has given me the strength to be committed and dedicated to my goals… because I can promise that I don’t have the strength to do it on my own.
7. Be happy - Progress on this is exponential. I feel better than I have in years. I can honestly say I am happier now than I was in high school or college. I don’t want my followers, friends, or family members to think that this has been influenced by them… I was only unhappy for the last 8 years because I was unhappy with myself. I tried to convince myself that it was because I didn’t have a boyfriend, or I wasn’t married, or because I didn’t have money or material possessions… but the real reason was because I didn’t like who I was. Whi'le I've had amazing friends and family that supported me, recognized my value and worth, and loved me regardless of my imperfections, none of that really matters when you don’t see anything good about yourself… you can’t ever be truly happy when you don’t care about yourself. But that has all changed. I’m beginning to genuinely care about myself and that has made the world of difference in my overall happiness.
Until next time loyal followers (whom I love oh so very much).
And that's okay... I think.
I know that I've been focused mainly on my weight loss goals... which I am succeeding at. I actually read through my first post and saw that my goal was to lose 40 lbs by the end of the summer... a goal which I am actually going to complete!
But I think I need to look at my other goals. This is a complete transformation. I'm changing everything inside and out.
1. Be outgoing - I have mixed feelings about my progress on this goal. I have found that I can be extremely outgoing in certain situations, but in others I completely shut down. For example, there is a guy I am interested in… but I shut down every time he tries to talk to me. My family has even noticed, which means he has probably noticed… ummm embarrassing. However, when I’m at a church function or in the grocery store I have no problems carrying on conversations with people. HELP.
2. Exercise & Lose weight. LOTS of it. - No need for a refresher on that one… that’s going well.
3. Laugh more - There has been significant progress on this goal. I’m finding humor in everything now. When I find humor that leads to…
4. Make others laugh more - This! I am really good at this. I make my mom, my grandma, my dad, and my friends laugh all the time. Shedding all this excess weight (physical and emotional) has helped me uncover my comedic side.
5. Serve others - Not doing much pubic/community service as of now. I’m trying to do lots of things around the house and I’m trying to be supportive of other people trying to change their life via blogs and twitter. It’s not much… but it’s better than nothing.
6. Get to know God again - I’m slowly beginning to believe/trust in God again. I try to have frequent conversations with Him. My eyes are slowly able to see Him in small moments of everyday. I understand on a fundamental level that He is helping me with my journey… much of my success has to be attributed to Him. He put amazing people in my life who have turned out to be incredible supporters. He has given me the strength to be committed and dedicated to my goals… because I can promise that I don’t have the strength to do it on my own.
7. Be happy - Progress on this is exponential. I feel better than I have in years. I can honestly say I am happier now than I was in high school or college. I don’t want my followers, friends, or family members to think that this has been influenced by them… I was only unhappy for the last 8 years because I was unhappy with myself. I tried to convince myself that it was because I didn’t have a boyfriend, or I wasn’t married, or because I didn’t have money or material possessions… but the real reason was because I didn’t like who I was. Whi'le I've had amazing friends and family that supported me, recognized my value and worth, and loved me regardless of my imperfections, none of that really matters when you don’t see anything good about yourself… you can’t ever be truly happy when you don’t care about yourself. But that has all changed. I’m beginning to genuinely care about myself and that has made the world of difference in my overall happiness.
Wow. Can we say word vomit?
Until next time loyal followers (whom I love oh so very much).
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tips and a Proposition
Here is another post just for you!
I'm glad you like my blog. It's cool to think that someone other than my friends and family is following my life changing journey!
I know you had a requested a few recipes from my mom and I... which I would be happy to share with you if we had any. Hahaha
I do have a few tips and a proposition for you though:
1. It sounds cliche... but I keep a food journal. IT WORKS! I'm much more accountable for everything I put in my body now. That's where I would start. My mom and I look at each other's everyday so we both make sure we've been good at and between meals.
2. Keep everything low fat! Lean meats and low fat products will greatly expand a low calorie diet.
3. Small portions... or weigh your food. I have a food scale and I weigh my protein, fruits, and veggies. This helps keep your portions the right size and also helps you be accountable for what you're eating!
4. Don't be afraid to season things! My mom is a spice fanatic. She uses a variety of spices to make various proteins and veggies taste OUT OF THIS WORLD. Some staple spices that we recommend are: cumin, curry, garlic, onion, basil, oregano, and salt (I love salt). Feel free to try anything though!
5. Be careful of carbs! I usally eat 1 piece of Melba toast or 3 Melba Toast Snacks at lunch and dinner. If it's any other type of carb, make sure it's healthy and is the appropriate serving size. Be wary of sugar. I use and artifical sweeteners. Most doctors recommend Stevia (great on fresh fruit!).
6. Snacks: On my diet snacks are discouraged. However there are several vegetables that are "free" to eat at any time. Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, red onion, and celery are a great snack in between meals. Sugar free, low fat jello is also an appropriate snack, or it can be eaten as a dessert with your meal (I like to mix it with my fruit)!
When I read your comment to my mom, she had a great idea! She said that if you would like to send her one of your favorite recipes she'd be more than happy to look it over and make a few alterations that would make it lower fat/calorie, but still delicious!
Yeah... she's the shiz. I'm super lucky.
So if you want to leave a recipe or two in a comment or email it to mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com she'll alter them and I can email it back to you or post it here on the blog!
Hope this helped!
Here is another post just for you!
I'm glad you like my blog. It's cool to think that someone other than my friends and family is following my life changing journey!
I know you had a requested a few recipes from my mom and I... which I would be happy to share with you if we had any. Hahaha
I do have a few tips and a proposition for you though:
1. It sounds cliche... but I keep a food journal. IT WORKS! I'm much more accountable for everything I put in my body now. That's where I would start. My mom and I look at each other's everyday so we both make sure we've been good at and between meals.
2. Keep everything low fat! Lean meats and low fat products will greatly expand a low calorie diet.
3. Small portions... or weigh your food. I have a food scale and I weigh my protein, fruits, and veggies. This helps keep your portions the right size and also helps you be accountable for what you're eating!
4. Don't be afraid to season things! My mom is a spice fanatic. She uses a variety of spices to make various proteins and veggies taste OUT OF THIS WORLD. Some staple spices that we recommend are: cumin, curry, garlic, onion, basil, oregano, and salt (I love salt). Feel free to try anything though!
5. Be careful of carbs! I usally eat 1 piece of Melba toast or 3 Melba Toast Snacks at lunch and dinner. If it's any other type of carb, make sure it's healthy and is the appropriate serving size. Be wary of sugar. I use and artifical sweeteners. Most doctors recommend Stevia (great on fresh fruit!).
6. Snacks: On my diet snacks are discouraged. However there are several vegetables that are "free" to eat at any time. Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, red onion, and celery are a great snack in between meals. Sugar free, low fat jello is also an appropriate snack, or it can be eaten as a dessert with your meal (I like to mix it with my fruit)!
When I read your comment to my mom, she had a great idea! She said that if you would like to send her one of your favorite recipes she'd be more than happy to look it over and make a few alterations that would make it lower fat/calorie, but still delicious!
Yeah... she's the shiz. I'm super lucky.
So if you want to leave a recipe or two in a comment or email it to mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com she'll alter them and I can email it back to you or post it here on the blog!
Hope this helped!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Holy Shiz Balls! It is so much easier to exercise 32 pounds lighter! I feel incredible! I'm dog tired after my cardio/dancing routine... but I still feel AMAZING. Working out with my mom is a BLAST. We encourage each other to work hard and by the end of the work out... our endorphins have us on cloud nine, at least I'm on cloud nine. Mom and I have decided upon an interval workout/system/thing... intense cardio one day, lower impact cardio and weight training the next. I'm pretty excited. To keep my attention I have to switch things up... A LOT.
Gah! I'm so jazzed I can't hardly stand it! I'm already ready to work out again! Tomorrow morning can't come fast enough. Working out at 4 in the afternoon wasn't the best idea (being it's the hottest part of the day) especially since I'm a morning person.
Oh! I have a few questions to answer from a follower. I'll identify you by name since you left a public comment. Hope that's ok!
I'll try to get some pics of me just smiling. I just hate my smile... hahaha
As for my diet, for 6 weeks I was on a doctor monitored low calorie diet with supplements ($200 for weekly appointments and anytime support). I was allowed 500 calories a day. 250 for lunch and 250 for dinner. If you look at my post "Answers" it will give you some more details about what I was allowed. I'm currently maintaining/losing additional weight with a vigorous exercise regimen and living the 17 day diet. My amazing mom is my support and co-loser. :D It's been fun. My new shoes are Reebok Zigs and the style I have been buying I got of the Amazon website, on sale, for about $80.00. They're a relatively inexpensive running shoe (as some running shoes can reach prices over $200) and they are SO COMFY. My old Nike's would hurt my feet after about 1/2 hr. I exercised for 45 minutes today and they didn't hurt my feet at all! I buy men's shoes because I have wider feet. The great thing about the Zigs is around the side of your foot and around your heel, the sole protrudes ever so slightly to give you additional support. I love em.
Hope this answers some of your questions!
P.s. Dear Followers,
If you have fun ideas for my workouts or if you have more questions... PLEASE feel free to leave comments or email me at mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
Thanks guys!
Gah! I'm so jazzed I can't hardly stand it! I'm already ready to work out again! Tomorrow morning can't come fast enough. Working out at 4 in the afternoon wasn't the best idea (being it's the hottest part of the day) especially since I'm a morning person.
Oh! I have a few questions to answer from a follower. I'll identify you by name since you left a public comment. Hope that's ok!
I'll try to get some pics of me just smiling. I just hate my smile... hahaha
As for my diet, for 6 weeks I was on a doctor monitored low calorie diet with supplements ($200 for weekly appointments and anytime support). I was allowed 500 calories a day. 250 for lunch and 250 for dinner. If you look at my post "Answers" it will give you some more details about what I was allowed. I'm currently maintaining/losing additional weight with a vigorous exercise regimen and living the 17 day diet. My amazing mom is my support and co-loser. :D It's been fun. My new shoes are Reebok Zigs and the style I have been buying I got of the Amazon website, on sale, for about $80.00. They're a relatively inexpensive running shoe (as some running shoes can reach prices over $200) and they are SO COMFY. My old Nike's would hurt my feet after about 1/2 hr. I exercised for 45 minutes today and they didn't hurt my feet at all! I buy men's shoes because I have wider feet. The great thing about the Zigs is around the side of your foot and around your heel, the sole protrudes ever so slightly to give you additional support. I love em.
Hope this answers some of your questions!
P.s. Dear Followers,
If you have fun ideas for my workouts or if you have more questions... PLEASE feel free to leave comments or email me at mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
Thanks guys!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Ok, this post might be long... but there will be pictures so stay with me.
Let us begin with the fact that today is weigh in day.
And the measurements are in:
- I've lost 3 more pounds... which is VERY exciting. In 7 weeks I have lost 32 lbs. Total inches lost = 22 inches. WOOF!
The first pictures I'll be sharing today are of my new white and blue Reebok Zigs. I love them so much I got a second pair. They are comfortable, stylish (at least I think so...), and they seem to push me into a "lets bust out this workout biznitch!" attitude. The other pair will be delivered in a few days and will be white and yellow. I'll post pictures of them as soon as I get them.
Ok, now I'm going to show you some pictures of me...
Everyone needs to be aware of how painfully self-conscious I am. To start with... I should note that it was hard to find pictures of me from a few months ago when I was 30 lbs heavier. I've never liked myself, let alone my body. I didn't want to be captured on film, but lucky for you loyal follwers... I have diligent friends and family that caught some of me.
Now, I've just now started to see the physical difference in myself and when I thought about posting photos I realized that I haven't posted pictures before this because I've been afraid it isn't really noticeable and that people would look at me and go... "so what's different?" But oh well... I'm just going to go for it...
Ok, deep breath. Gadfrey Moses I'm so embarrassed...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Good news! My new workout shoes came today! They are Reebok Zigs. I've heard really good things about them so I'm very excited to try them out. I will be posting some photos of them later on. Probably on Wednesday after my weigh in. I'm so excited to break the 30 pound barrier this week. I can't believe I've lost so much weight! I feel great!
Some good things have happened in the last week that helped me feel much better after the 2 lb fiasco of last week. There were a few confidence boosters that happened to me over the weekend.
Some good things have happened in the last week that helped me feel much better after the 2 lb fiasco of last week. There were a few confidence boosters that happened to me over the weekend.
- I had the opportunity to go to Utah and visit some old friends and collegues. They all noticed a difference... or at least they said they did.
- I looked at a few pictures from April and I thought I looked FAT... and now I just look fat. So that's a good difference. I'm seeing the potential for PHAT in the near future. That's exciting!
So life is good. I feel good. I'm happy.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Questions to answer! Hooray Hooray!
Some darling followers have left questions in their comments or have emailed me. Here are some answers! Feel free to ask me some more about my weightloss, my goals, my opinions, my likes, my dislikes, my love life... ANYTHING.
What sorts of things can you eat for your 500 calories?
I'm allowed 3.5 - 4 oz of fruit,3.5 - 4 oz vegetables, and 3.5 - 4 oz lean protein.
And how do you split it up throughout the day?
I have a 250 calorie lunch and a 250 calorie dinner. I also take a vitamins and other supplements to help my body metabolize fat and not muscle.
And after the initial 6 weeks, what happens then?
After the first 6 weeks I go into a maintenance phase. I double my caloric intake but maintain the fruits, veggies, and lean protein. I add a breakfast and I begin a more vigorous exercise regimen.
How many pounds to your goal weight?
I'd like to lose 90 lbs total. So I have around 60 lbs left.
Are you seeing a difference?
Yes. I was looking at some pictures of me that were taken in mid-April and I said to my mom, "WOW! I was ginormus!" She just smiled. I can't imagine how big a difference I'll notice when I lose 30 more... let alone 60!
Thanks for the questions guys! Helps me have something to talk and think about.
Some darling followers have left questions in their comments or have emailed me. Here are some answers! Feel free to ask me some more about my weightloss, my goals, my opinions, my likes, my dislikes, my love life... ANYTHING.
What sorts of things can you eat for your 500 calories?
I'm allowed 3.5 - 4 oz of fruit,3.5 - 4 oz vegetables, and 3.5 - 4 oz lean protein.
And how do you split it up throughout the day?
I have a 250 calorie lunch and a 250 calorie dinner. I also take a vitamins and other supplements to help my body metabolize fat and not muscle.
And after the initial 6 weeks, what happens then?
After the first 6 weeks I go into a maintenance phase. I double my caloric intake but maintain the fruits, veggies, and lean protein. I add a breakfast and I begin a more vigorous exercise regimen.
How many pounds to your goal weight?
I'd like to lose 90 lbs total. So I have around 60 lbs left.
Are you seeing a difference?
Yes. I was looking at some pictures of me that were taken in mid-April and I said to my mom, "WOW! I was ginormus!" She just smiled. I can't imagine how big a difference I'll notice when I lose 30 more... let alone 60!
Thanks for the questions guys! Helps me have something to talk and think about.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sad... ish
I only lost 2 lbs this week.
I blame it on... being a woman.
But my spirits were lifted a bit when I found out that this week I'd lost 8 centimeters around my waist. So when totaled up... I've lost 7 inches around my waist. That's exciting right?
I'm looking forward to next week when my lbs lost should jump significantly. Then the week after that I'm allowed to begin a more vigorous exercise regimen. I've got a pair of Reebok Zigs waiting to be broken in and I couldn't be more excited.
I have say something, through this whole weight loss and diet program I'm on... I've had a lot of support from friends, followers, and church acquaintances... and while I appreciate and am motivated by all of them, they pale in comparison to the support I receive from my mother.
Living on 500 calories a day for 6 weeks is tough! It's even harder to think of appetizing food that meets the caloric requirement, and somehow or another my mom does. Day after day she helps me stay motivated, encourages me, and makes me KICK ASS delicious food. She's amazing.
I'm feeling SO good about myself lately and being down by about 30 lbs is going to make exercising so much more fun... because I'll have more energy.
Ok ok... enough about weight loss, diets, and exercise.
Lets see... I haven't been as social as I should have been lately. I blame the holidays and being out of town all the time. Which is happening again this weekend. I'm driving down to Utah with my parents and younger brother. He has college orentiation, we're picking up my grandmother, and I'm going to swing by and say hello to my old boss and some friends down in Provo. So I'll have an other weekend sans socializing...well with people in Nampa anyway.
I really am working on it. I need to start making friends and head into Boise for music shows, movies, clubbing, and the like. I'm 22, I think I need to be a titch more invested in the social scene. I guess I've just been comfortable chilling at home with Effy and my family. There are a lot of laughs in my house. It's hard to leave people you love being around.
Wow... I've droned on and on and on... sorry guys.
Well, until next week (or until the next time I get bored).
Love you all!
P.s. If there are any topics or questions you would rather me talk about... email me at mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
I blame it on... being a woman.
But my spirits were lifted a bit when I found out that this week I'd lost 8 centimeters around my waist. So when totaled up... I've lost 7 inches around my waist. That's exciting right?
I'm looking forward to next week when my lbs lost should jump significantly. Then the week after that I'm allowed to begin a more vigorous exercise regimen. I've got a pair of Reebok Zigs waiting to be broken in and I couldn't be more excited.
I have say something, through this whole weight loss and diet program I'm on... I've had a lot of support from friends, followers, and church acquaintances... and while I appreciate and am motivated by all of them, they pale in comparison to the support I receive from my mother.
Living on 500 calories a day for 6 weeks is tough! It's even harder to think of appetizing food that meets the caloric requirement, and somehow or another my mom does. Day after day she helps me stay motivated, encourages me, and makes me KICK ASS delicious food. She's amazing.
I'm feeling SO good about myself lately and being down by about 30 lbs is going to make exercising so much more fun... because I'll have more energy.
Ok ok... enough about weight loss, diets, and exercise.
Lets see... I haven't been as social as I should have been lately. I blame the holidays and being out of town all the time. Which is happening again this weekend. I'm driving down to Utah with my parents and younger brother. He has college orentiation, we're picking up my grandmother, and I'm going to swing by and say hello to my old boss and some friends down in Provo. So I'll have an other weekend sans socializing...well with people in Nampa anyway.
I really am working on it. I need to start making friends and head into Boise for music shows, movies, clubbing, and the like. I'm 22, I think I need to be a titch more invested in the social scene. I guess I've just been comfortable chilling at home with Effy and my family. There are a lot of laughs in my house. It's hard to leave people you love being around.
Wow... I've droned on and on and on... sorry guys.
Well, until next week (or until the next time I get bored).
Love you all!
P.s. If there are any topics or questions you would rather me talk about... email me at mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
It's happening
So this week was the 4th of July... and I wasn't naughty... AT ALL.
And it payed off...
I weighed in again today... and I lost 5 more lbs!
This is really happening.
And it feels incredible. I even bought a pair of short shorts to wear... well two. And I look SMOKIN hot.
So lets tally the numbers... 24 lbs in 4 weeks, 27 lbs total, 1 exceptionally happy Mychal.
The goals are going really well too! I'm finding it a lot easier to have success with my goals (especially the "being happy" one) now that I'm beginning to like myself.
So... any questions you loyal followers would like me to answer??? You can ask anything, I'll answer in a post. Fear not, your identity will be safe, I shall not disclose your information unless specifically asked to.
email mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
LOVE YOU GUYS. Thanks for the continued support.
And it payed off...
I weighed in again today... and I lost 5 more lbs!
This is really happening.
And it feels incredible. I even bought a pair of short shorts to wear... well two. And I look SMOKIN hot.
So lets tally the numbers... 24 lbs in 4 weeks, 27 lbs total, 1 exceptionally happy Mychal.
The goals are going really well too! I'm finding it a lot easier to have success with my goals (especially the "being happy" one) now that I'm beginning to like myself.
So... any questions you loyal followers would like me to answer??? You can ask anything, I'll answer in a post. Fear not, your identity will be safe, I shall not disclose your information unless specifically asked to.
email mychalsayscakeordeath@gmail.com
LOVE YOU GUYS. Thanks for the continued support.
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