Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's happening

So this week was the 4th of July... and I wasn't naughty... AT ALL.


And it payed off...

I weighed in again today... and I lost 5 more lbs!

This is really happening.

And it feels incredible.  I even bought a pair of short shorts to wear... well two.  And I look SMOKIN hot.

So lets tally the numbers... 24 lbs in 4 weeks, 27 lbs total, 1 exceptionally happy Mychal.

The goals are going really well too!  I'm finding it a lot easier to have success with my goals (especially the "being happy" one) now that I'm beginning to like myself.

So... any questions you loyal followers would like me to answer???  You can ask anything, I'll answer in a post.  Fear not, your identity will be safe, I shall not disclose your information unless specifically asked to.


LOVE YOU GUYS.  Thanks for the continued support.


1 comment:

  1. New shorts!!! No fair! So proud of you, whoo hoo! It's hard to be good and not go off track, especially during holidays so you go girl! I'm so so glad that you are so happy and beginning to like yourself :-) You know I love you and I love that you love you haha. Reading your blog makes me happy. Seeing that hope exsists is so exciting! You are wonderful Mychal!
