Sunday, July 24, 2011


Today we're going to tackle a few questions and comments from followers.  Gah!  I love doing this.  You guys make blogging so much more fun!  It's hard to think up stuff myself... 


Were you a carb lover?

To which I reply... what do you mean was!?  

HELL YES I LOVE CARBS.  I miss them like crazy.  The Bible says man can't live on bread alone; but I sure tried.  Carbs and I have a long history.  Bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, cookies... coat it all in chocolate and I still can't get enough. The hardest part with my diet has been the severe reduction of carbs.  Carbs and I can never have the relationship we used to have... the relationship I want to have.  

Part of becoming the person I want to be meant a serious physical overhaul.  The biggest sacrifice I had to make was carbs.

I don't know when my brain made the switch from "I want to feel good, so I'll eat food" to "I want to look good, eat different food and exercise more!"  But it happened, and when that moment happened I started my diet.

I think people need to be careful when they use the word "diet", and I think I need to apologize for using that noun so extensively.  I am dieting yes... but I think a more correct observation/statement would be this, "I'm making lifestyle changes."

People don't get to diet for 6 months, lose 40 or 50 pounds and then go back to their old lifestyle without packing back on the pounds.  Diets work because it's supposed to be for life.  Diets are supposed to teach us portion size,  healthy types of food, in conjunction with physical fitness. 

Yeah, that just sounds yucky doesn't it!?  I know that I've never had a pleasant image of dieting.  I wanted to exercise and eat whatever the hell I wanted, and I still wanted the weight to come off.  Yeah... doesn't work like that.  Changing my diet and my over all lifestyle wasn't something I wanted or was comfortable doing and I'd assume that most people feel the same way.  

I mean... who wants to go from warm homemade biscuits with fresh cut strawberries in the morning , a yummy turkey sandwich with whole grain bread at lunch, a stuffed pork chop with homemade rolls and mashed potatoes for dinner, and a warm chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream for dessert to plain yogurt with berries, a green salad, and some steamed veggies with a chicken breast for dinner.  

BREATHE!  I'm over exaggerating.  But that is what it feels like right!?  

I know it sounds awful, horrible, and terrible.  But it is SO worth it!  

I know that nobody is perfect, I've messed up once or twice on my diet.  I'm a woman.  I get it. Sometimes, every 4 weeks or so... you need a piece of chocolate, and you need it before you kill someone.  If you have to have it... make it 3 chocolate chips, and eat them one at a time... VERY slowly.    

Opinion:  Do not cheat.  When you start a low/no carb diet... get anything tempting AWAY from you.  Or make sure you have the strength to stay on track.  You've got to break the love connection with those deliciously naughty foods.  You need a few weeks to really make a clean break.

Tip:  Once you've broken ties with carbs and naughty food, then and only then, if you're out on a date and the guy buys you dessert... remember the three bite rule.  Three small bites is all you can allow yourself!  Pace yourself. Savor each bite. And let the guy do most of the damage to the chocaholic-betterthansex dessert sitting on the table in front of you.  

I'll admit, the only thing that has come close to easing the pain of my lost carbs (beyond the elation of losing over 30 lbs) is the sense of confidence I get after I say no to something naughty.  When people around you see you being healthy... they're impressed.  They notice you; and it feels GOOD.  Vain I know, but oh so true.  

I feel better too!  And I don't know how or why... but my stomach doesn't miss naughty carbs anymore.  My eyes and my brain do, but my stomach doesn't.  I'm not as hungry as often, I've got more energy, and I'm losing weight because 8 weeks ago I made the decision that looking good would make me feel better than food ever could.

WOW.  I'm not sure if that even made any sense... sorry Abby (p.s. send in your recipes and I'll get to your other questions). 

Ok, next question:

What is your plan of action for facing disappointment along your journey, such as low weight loss numbers or hurtful comments from others?

An excellent question indeed.  My initial response would be, some weight loss is better than no weight loss.  A few weeks/entries ago I only lost 2 lbs and a dear friend made a valid point when cheering me up... - 2 lbs is better than 0 lbs!  That really stuck with me, so I think I'll be happy with any type of loss.  Now, were I to lose 0 lbs... I'd be sad, but it'd give me an increased desire to work harder and lose more weight over the next week.  Heaven forbid I gain weight, because I'd be devastated beyond comprehension... I wouldn't quit.  I'll never quit.  I've lost over 30 lbs and I'll be damned if I'm not going to meet my mini-goal by my 23rd birthday.  I've never wanted anything so bad in my life (not including Mike Rowe, Patrick Warburton, or Marcus Mumford).  

I've been lucky enough to have a very supportive group of followers and while I've had some snide remarks made in my direction, the positive feedback and amazing support from my followers has helped those few hurtful things roll of my back.  There is too much positive energy surrounding me to let any negative energy last long.  

And I thank you friends, family members, & followers for creating an atmosphere were I feel safe and confident in expressing my thoughts, my success, and my failures with you.

Well, that wraps it up for today.  

Further questions, comments, concerns, & ideas for posts are welcome!  Check out the new "Contact Me" tab to get in touch with me.

Thanks dolls!

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration. I have a few questions...How can I have your attitude? And why are you such a freakin fantastic friend? Haha I love you girl. When ever I am down or having a bad day I come to your blog. You writing is full of happiness and joy and is uplifting to anyone that reads it. Thanks for your encouragement and for your strength. You are amazing Mychal.
