Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Finding the good...

2014 continues to be the bane of my existence...

Sadly, now it is leeching into my nuclear family.  Nothing about this year is looking up.  

It's been hard to feel motivated to continue with my health and fitness goals.  When you're in emotional duress it's easy to feel the desire to give up.

Between battling bouts of sans-baby blues, acclimating to my husband's new work schedule, and dealing with immense family drama (and the subsequent emotional baggage of ALL those things...) I have very nearly been ready to throw in the towel and give up. 

But it's hard to give up. 

My mother raised me to be a fighter.

And I've developed a taste for fighting.  I've developed a desire to work for & attain my goals.

I've developed a voice.  I will stand up for myself and for the people I love; and I'll do it, even if it means it may hurt other people.  

I am tired of allowing myself to be drowned in other people's misery.  I am tired of standing on a sinking ship while I feverishly try to get everyone in their life jackets.  Sometimes you have to save yourself before you can save others.  There is a reason YOU have to put on your oxygen mask first when the airplane gets gnarly.  You can't help others if you haven't helped yourself first.  You can't protect others if you haven't protected yourself. 

So what life lessons have I learned in the past week?  How have I grown amidst the drama, heartache, and grief? I've accepted a few hard truths...

  1. Life can be disappointing. 
  2. People will hurt you. 
  3. You will struggle. You will grieve.
  4. And life will go on.

BUT, even with all the heartache, the sadness, and the confusion there is always something good.  There is always something positive. With God all things are possible. We are never too lost to be found. We are never broken beyond mending. We are never unloved. We are never alone. He is always there, He is always waiting. We need only to reach out, to ask, and to allow Him to lift and carry us. He loves us. He wants us to be happy, to succeed, and to be whole and at peace. He is a loving Heavenly Father who fills our lives with blessings too numerous to count. Life is such a wonderful blessing. How grateful I am to be a child of God. You are stronger and more remarkable than you give yourself credit for. Your spirit can never be broken. Never lose hope. Do not despair. Trial and tribulation last only a small moment of this miracle we call life. Your existence is too important to be bogged down by grief. Your journey is too valuable to halt for sorrow. Hold your head high, keep your heart strong, and never stop moving forward.

Keep your chin up.

It'll all workout. 

Keep moving forward.


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