Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's Only Been 5 Days...


I'm trying to establish a habit and routine, so I apologize for all the blog posts and the obnoxious updates.  My goal is 2-3 posts a week, so hopefully when there are two more days in the week it won't feel like I'm force-feeding you Blog Posts.

On the off chance you don't follow my Facebook Page (Changing My Life Today) I'll update everyone about "The Plan" (duhn duhn DUHN!)

The Plan

  • Eat 1,500 calories a day (can be augmented as more will be earned with exercise)
  • Eat between 120 & 150 carbs
  • Exercise vigorously 30 minutes a day
  • Be active as much as possible (always find reasons to get up and boogie!)
  • Enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy the journey
  • Don't be too critical if you can't live The Plan everyday... (you're only human!)
  • Oh, and Weigh-in Days are Saturday
The end.


Yesterday was the first Saturday of the New Year, so that meant it was a Weigh-in Day!

I weighed in and was 5.5 lbs lighter than I was on January 1st, 2014.

Now, don't get too excited... I tried not to be.  That weight was mostly water weight and the bloating alleviating as my body was becoming accustomed to less carbohydrates. 

The additional updates to the New Year, it's goals, and my health status are as follows:
  1. I have worked out everyday for a hour (excluding Sunday's which are my rest days... Hey, even God needed a rest day. Just sayin').
  2. I have managed to live within my calorie and carb goals.
  3. I've found some fun new music to dance to while I clean my house.
  4. My medications for Insulin Resistance are working (I think) but now, I've noticed that my throat is especially tender these days.  My throat feels tight when I swallow, and the side of my neck that is home to the extra long part of my thyroid is much more noticeable these days.  I'm looking forward to going to see my endocrinologist next month.
But overall, I feel pretty awesome.  My energy level has picked back up now that my body is used to the birth control medication.  I've also noticed that working out has really helped my stress and tension levels; along with helping me sleep better at night.

So life is good. 

I feel good. 

So now I want to know... how're you guys doing?!

How are you and your New Year Goals panning out? Is there anything I can do to help? 

I'm realizing more and more that an uplifting and supportive community is a critical foundation to lifestyle change. 

I posted this little diddy on my Facebook, Instagram, and Happier accounts... but I thought I'd share it with you guys today as well.

You're incredible, amazing, remarkable, valued, & loved. Whoever you are - where ever you may be on your journey - please know that you ARE important.

I hope you guys really know and understand how important you are to me.  Have a wonderful day, because you are wonderful and you deserve it.

Much love,


  1. 5, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    Well I'm glad to hear about the 5 pound loss :) I have lost 6 lbs so far and I am continuing to eat smart and be healthy. I was down to about 170 in August last year and I was feeling good but over the last 4 months of the year I ate way to much again and gained 25lbs back ......but I know how to concur this food addiction is giving my body what it needs. Fruits, Veggies, Water, Proteins and other small starches. Here's to 2014 I'm ready for an epic comeback :) We can do it! Lets get Fit together Have another amazing week 2

    1. Thank you! How exciting and CONGRATS on the beginning to your 2014! I'm ready for an epic year and am super motivated to reach my goals. THANK YOU so much for participating with me! Good luck on your week two! Keep me updated!

      P.s. Do you use My Fitness Pal? I have a group on there and it's where I track my food. If you have a profile on there... add me! :D

      Love ya!
